The Life in Mérida ™ AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE is subject to change at any time and at the sole discretion of the site owner and operator. Please visit the site regularly for updates.


Moving to Mérida in December of 2019, I made a 13 year dream come true. 

Importantly, selling all of my possessions including my house, my car, and my art meant I could begin a new life. Transitioning my business to a trusted friend helped immensely. Although, I knew I would need to keep working after I moved to Mérida. I had no idea what I was going to do. With patience, I knew I would figure it out once I arrived. 

For the first few weeks, I tried to settle in. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find information I needed. I chatted with other expats who expressed the same frustration I felt. After speaking with quite a few people, I realized this was a need. With that in mind, I decided to start this site – Life in Mérida™. 

First and foremost, the priority of the site is to provide factual information. Current information is hard to find. Unfortunately, there are a plethora of YouTubers passing through the city that don’t provide all the details needed about living in Mérida.   Therefore, helpful tips and advice are my priorities.


Now, like any other blogger or influencer, I also had to decide how I wanted to monetize the site.

Thinking about monetization in a completely different way, I thought about how I could help others. Over the years, I’ve made trades with service providers. Of course, the barter system has been around for thousands of years. Notably, serving humanity quite well. This system is good for any business. 

I tried out different service providers such as car rentals, hotels, dentists, hair stylists, pool cleaners, and handyman services. Additionally, these were all services I needed. Advertising them was a great idea if there was a good fit.

Undoubtedly, I always pay FULL price for services when I reseach and vet. In this way, I ensure quality, customer service, consistency and that expectations are met.  For me, these are the most important things I can do. Once I have fully vetted and have confidence in the service provider, I recommend them. 


My trusted service providers “AFFILIATES” are recommended and referred in the following ways (included but not limited to):

  1. Tagged and logo features on social media.
  2. Promoted in my email signature line.
  3. Interviewed and featured in blog articles.
  4. Banner advertising in blog articles.
  5. Featured in monthly newsletters.
  6. Sharing business cards, promotions or special offers at events.


With the barter system in mind, I asked my trusted service providers if they were interested in this kind of referral system. Without exception, all of them were interested as they recognized the value. 

In my experience, a business can pay for advertising which can be hit or miss. They can partner with people who know, like and trust them. In this example, the referral is much stronger and supported so that it creates a win-win situation.

This is the intention of all of my affiliate agreements:  to create a win-win situation for both parties in a barter type trade.

In regards to the advertising listed above in THE REFERRAL PROCESS FOR AFFILIATES, I receive a variety of compensation including: 

  • discounts
  • trading services
  • article writing
  • advertising fees
  • special offers

To sum it up, we pass on discounts offered to us directly to our clients vs. receiving a referral fee. For this reason, this is the most important part of the Life in Mérida™ Affiliate Disclosure – to be completely transparent. And, if there are comments or questions in regard to anything that is not covered on this Life in Mérida Affiliate Disclosure, please email me: